Bass Essentials Level II
Upright players - simply follow along, quick instruction comes on Mondays.
Electric players - some adjustments need to be made for your success:
All LONG TONES are played as multiples of plucked quarter notes - alternate your fingers
V position starts on the 8th fret and spans 3 frets with fingers 1 2 4
VI position starts on the 10th fret and spans 3 frets with fingers 1 2 4
VII position closed starts on the 12th fret and spans 4 frets with fingers 1 2 3 4
VII position open starts on the 12th fret and spans 6 frets with fingers 1 2 3 4 stretchedstring crossing exercises: 1st week althernate “i m”, 2nd week “m i”
reduce long slurs to 2 notes and do “hammer ons" ascending and pull offs decending
All players - SAY THE NOTES OUT LOUD as often as possible. This will help to trigger the memory cells in your brain for faster learning! (biologist: don’t correct me on that, hee hee)
Week 1
M.M. 60
Open String Long Tones
V Position Long Tones
Shifting: C D E F, half, quarter, eighth
F Maj & Min Scale Variation #17, 2 Oct
FMaj & Min Arpeggio 2 Oct
String Crossing #8
Etude: Simandl Pg 31&32 #6
Rhythm: 81616 81616 88 88
Week 2
M.M. 60
Open string “Location” long tones
V Position long tones
Shifting: C D Eb F half, quarter, eighth
F Mixolydian: Variation #17 2 oct
F Dorian: Variation #172 oct
F7 & Fm7 Arpeggios, half, quarter, eighth 2 oct
String Crossing #8 Slurs
Etude: Simandl Pg 31&32 #6
Rhythm: 81616 88 16161616 88
Week 3
M.M. 55
Open String Long Tones
VI Position Long Tones
Shifting D E F G - half quarter eighth w/ open D dbl stop
G Major & Minor Scale: Variation #24 2 Oct
GM & Gm Arpeggio 2 Oct
String Crossing #9
Etude: Simandl Pg 38 #7
Rhythm: Dotted Q8 16168 81616
Week 4
M.M. 55
Open String “Location” Long Tones
VI Position Long Tones
Shifting D Eb F# G half, quarter, Eighth
G Lydian #24 2 Oct
G Phrygian #24 2 Oct
Gmaj7 & Gm7 Arpeggio
String Crossing #9 slurs
Simandl Etude Pg 38 #8
Rhythm: Q 8 Q 1616 81616
Week 4 Video Upright
Week 5
M.M. 50
Open String Long Tones
VII Position Closed Long Tones
Shifting: Glissando H.P. to Thumb Position
Bb Major Scale Oct: # 17
A Minor Scale 2 Oct: # 17
BbM & Am Arpeggio 2 Oct
String Crossing: #10
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 Ex 5 Up 1 Oct
Rhythm: 8r 1616 8r 1616 88 1616 8r
Week 6
MM 50
Open String “Location” Long Tones
VII Position Open Long Tones
Shifting: C Major Scale 2nd Oct
C Major Scale 2 Oct: # 17
C Minor Scale 2 Oct: # 17
CM & Cm Arpeggio 2 Oct
String Crossing: #10 Slurs
Etude: Simandl Pg 12 Ex 3 up 1 Oct
Rhythm: 16161616 88 1616 8r 81616