Bass Essentials Level I

List of Exercises

String Crossing Exercises

Before joining the class take some time to review some of the basic bowing and left hand technique information from my webpage:

Free Online Upright Bass Lesson

Fall 2022 Schedule of Exercises

Week 1 Start September 20

Open String Long Tones
Half Position Long Tones
F Maj Scale Variation #1
F Maj Arpeggio Whole Notes
D min Scale Variation #2
String Crossing #1
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 #6 - Parts

Tuesday’s Video 9/20

Week 2

M.M. 60
Open string “Location” long tones
Half position long tones
Bb Major Scale: Variation #3
G Minor Scale: Variation #4
Bb Major & G Minor Arpeggio: whole notes.
String Crossing #1 Slurs
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 #7 - in parts

Wednesday’s Video 9/28

Week 3

M.M. 55
Open String Long Tones
1st Position Long Tones (how to find first)
G Major Scale: Variation #5
E Minor Scale: Variation #6
GM & Em Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing #2
Etude: Simandl Pg 12 #5 in G Major
Rhythm: Dotted Quartet Eighth

Tuesday’s Video 10/4

Week 4

M.M. 55
Open String “location” Long Tones
1st Position Long Tones
G Major Scale: #7
E Minor Scale: #8
GM & Em Arpeggio: whole notes
F, Bb, G Major Scale: Spiccato 8s
String Crossing #2 slurs
Simandl Etude Pg 14 #4
Rhythm: dotted quarter eighth quarter 2 eighth

Wednesday’s Video 10/12

Week 5

M.M. 50
Open String Long Tones
2nd Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A B C C B A G
C Major Scale: # 11
A Minor Scale: # 12
CM & Am Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing: #3
Etude: Simandl Pg 16 #1 in C Major
Rhythm: Dotten Quarter Eighth Quarter 8Rest Eighth

Monday’s Video 10/17/22

Week 6

MM 45
Open String LOCATION Long Tones
2nd Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A B C C B A G
C Major Scale: # 13
A Minor Scale: # 14
FM, BbM & GM scales: Spicatto back to back
CM & Am Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing: #3 Slurs
Etude: Simandl Pg 16 #2 in C Major
Rhythm: quarter two eigth 8rest dotted quarter

Tuesday’s Video 10/25/22

Week 7

MM 65
Open String Long Tones
3rd Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A B C# D
D Major Scale #15
A Major Scale #17
E Major Scale #18
D, A & E Major Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing #4
Simandl Pg 22 #5
Rhythm: 2 8ths quarter 8th rest 8th quarter

Monday’s Video 10/31/22

Week 8

MM 60
Open String Loc Long Tones
3rd Pos Long Tones
Shifting: G A Bb C D
B Minor Scale # 19
F# Minor Scale #20
C# Minor Scale #21
B, F# & C# Minor Arpeggio
String Crossing #4 Slurs
F, Bb, G, C Maj Spicatto, no stopping
Rhythm: Dotted Quarter * Tied 8th quarter * quarter

Tuesday’s Video 11/8/22

Week 9

MM 75
Open String Long Tones
**Finding 4th Position
4th Position Long Tones
Shifting thru to 4th pos: G A B C D E
E Major Scale: 2 Oct #17
C# Min Scale 1 Oct #24
E Major Arp 2 Oct & C# min Arp
String Crossing #5
Ab & Db Major Scales Spicatto
Simandl Pg 29 #6
Rhythm: 88 8r 88 8r 88

Monday’s Video 11/21/22

Week 10

MM 70
Open String Position Long Tones
4th Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A Bb C D# E
E Major Scale 2 Oct: #24
C# Minor Scale: #25
E Major Arp 2 Oct & C# min Arp
String Crossing #5 Slurs
Simandl Pg 28 #3
F# & B Major Scales Spicatto
Rhythm: 8r 8 quarter 88 8r 8

Tuesday’s Video 11/29/22

Week 11

MM 55
Open String Long Tones
Position LT - 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st
Shifting: G A Bb C D Eb
G & C Major Scales #1
A & D Major Scales #3
E major 2 oct #5
G, C, A, D, E Major Arp
String Crossing #6
Eb, Db, B Majors: Spicatto
Rhythm: 8r 8 quarter 8r quarter 8

Video to be added

Week 12

MM 60
Open String Location Long Tones
Position LT - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Shifting: G A B C# D E
Em & Am Scales #2
F#m & Bm Scales #4
C#m Scale #6
E, Am, F#m, Bm, C#m Arpeggios
String Crossing # 6 slurs
Cm, Bbm, G#m Scales: Spiccato
Rhythm: 8r 8 Qr 8 8 8r 8

Video to be added



2020 Schedule of Exercises

Week 1 Sept 14 - 17

Open string long tones
Half position long tones
F Major Scale: half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. 1 Octave
F Major Scale: bowing legato quarter notes, slur 2. 1 Octave
F Major Arpeggio: whole notes
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 #5 - in parts

Monday’s Video 9/14

Week 2 Sept 21 - 24

Open string “Location” long tones
Half position long tones
Bb Major Scale: quarter notes, eighth notes. 1 Octave
Bb Major Scale: bowing legato quarter notes, slur 4. 1 Octave
Bb Major Arpeggio: whole notes with tuner. 1 Octave
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 #7 - in parts

Tuesday’s Video 9/22

Week 3 Sept 28 - Oct 1

Open String Long Tones
1st Position Long Tones (how to find first)
G Major Scale: Half, Quarter, Eighth
G Major Scale: legato 8ths notes 4/bow
G Major Arpeggio: whole notes
Etude: Simandl Pg 12 #4 in G Major

Week 4 Oct 5 - 8

Open String “location” Long Tones
1st Position Long Tones
G Major Scale: Half, Quarter, Eighth (8ths bouncing bow)
F Major Scale: legato 8ths notes 4/bow
Bb Major Arpeggio: half notes
G, F, Bb Major Scale quarter notes, no stopping
Etude: Simandl Pg 12 #5 in G Major - sight read
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 #5 @ 80bpm
hP Longtones

Monday’s Video 10/5

Week 5 Oct 12 - 15

Open String Long Tones 50bpm
2nd Position Long Tones (how to find first)
Shifting from 1st to 2nd pos
C Major Scale: Half, Quarter, Eighth
C Major Arpeggio: whole notes
Etude: Simandl Pg 15 #1 in C Major
Review: 1st Pos Long Tones, G Major Scale

Tuesday’s Video 10/13

Week 6 Oct 19 - 22

Open String Long Tones 60bpm
2nd Position Long Tones
Shifting from hP & 1st to 2nd pos
C Major Scale: Half, Quarter, Eighth
G Major Scale: 4 notes per bow, Eighths
F & Bb Major Scale: Back to Back quarters
C Major Arpeggio: whole notes
Etude: Simandl Pg 16 #1 in C Major
hP Long Tones

Tuesday’s Video 10/20

Week 7 Oct 26 - 29

Open String Long Tones 70bpm - Crescendo/Descrescendo
Finding 3rd Position
3rd Position Long Tones
Shifting from 1st to 3rd pos
D Major Scale: Half, Quarter, Eighth - get softer on each 8th note repetition
A Major Scale: 4 notes per bow, quarters
E Major Scale: 2 notes per bow, quarters
D, A & E Major Arpeggio: whole notes

Tuesday’s Video 10/27

Week 8 Nov 2 - 5

Open String position Long Tones 55bpm
3rd Position Long Tones - crescendo / descrescendo
Shifting from 1st to 3rd pos: G A B C D & G A Bb C D
D Major Scale: slur 2 staccato 2 quarters
A Major Scale: staccato 2 slur 2 quarters
E Major Scale: slur 4 detache 4 8ths
D, A & E Major Arpeggio: whole notes
F, Bb, G, C Major scales - quarter notes, no stopping

Tuesday’s Video 11/3

Week 9 Nov 9 - 12

Open String Long Tones @45
Finding 4th Position
4th Position Long Tones - quarter not pulse @60
Shifting thru to 4th pos: G A B C D E >on all 4 strings @45 half notes
E Major Scale: 2 Oct half, quarter, 8th @ 60
E Major Arpeggio 2 Oct Whole Notes @45
Simandl Pg 29 #6
Eb Major Scale half notes @60 - Slur 8ths
Review 1st 2nd or 3rd Pos Long Tones

Week 10 Nov 16 - 19

Open String Position Long Tones @60
4th Position Long Tones - quarter note pulse @45
Shifting thru to 4th pos: G A Bb C D# E >on all 4 strings @60 half notes
E Major Scale: 2 Oct, quarter 2notes per bow, 8th 4 notes per bow @ 60
E Major Arpeggio 2 Oct Whole Notes @45
Simandl Pg 29 #6
Eb Major Scale @60 - 4 notes Slur quarters

Monday’s Video 11/16

Week 11 Nov 23 -25

Open String Long Tones @40
Position Long Tones - 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st @60
Shifting thru to 4th pos: G A Bb C D Eb >on all 4 strings @45 half notes
F & Bb Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #3) @ 60, 8ths
G & C Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #17) @ 60, 8ths
A & D Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #13) @ 60, 8ths
Eb Major Slur 8 Quarters @70

Monday’s Video 11/23

Week 12 Nov 30 - Dec 3

Open String Long Tones @35
Position Long Tones - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th @60
E Major Arpeggio 2 Oct Whole Notes @50
Shifting thru to 4th pos: G Ab Bb C Db Eb >on all 4 strings @50 half notes
F & Bb Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #1) @ 60, 8ths
G & C Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #2) @ 60, 8ths
A & D Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #20) @ 60, 8ths
E Major Scale 2 Octaves Slur 8 8ths @60

Monday’s Video 11/30

Week 13 Dec 7 - Dec 10

Open String Long Tones Pulse the quarter @60
Position Long Tones - hP, II1/2, III1/2 @60
Ab Major Arpeggio Whole Notes @60
Db Major Arpeggio Whole Notes @60
Shifting - G A Bb C D Eb on all 4 strings @60 half notes
Ab & Db Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #4) @ 50, 8ths
F# & B Major Scales (use bowing pg 69 #5) @ 50, 8ths
Simandl Pg 25 #3 rehearse parts

Tuesday’s Video 12/8

Week 14 Dec 14 - Dec 17

Open String location long tones @50
Position Long Tones - III1/2, II1/2, hP @60
F# Major Arpeggio Whole Notes @60
B Major Arpeggio Whole Notes @60
Shifting - G Ab Bb C Db Eb on all 4 strings @60 half notes
C# Major Scale (use bowing pg 69 #5) @ 50, 8ths
Cb Major Scale (use bowing pg 69 #12) @ 50, 8ths

Monday’s Video 12/14

2021 Schedule of Exercises

Week 1 Jan 11 - 14

Open String Long Tones
Half Position Long Tones
F Maj Scale Variation #1
F Maj Arpeggio Whole Notes
D min Scale Variation #2
String Crossing #1
Etude: Simandl Pg 10 #6 - Parts

Wednesday’s Video 1/13

Week 2 Jan 19 - 21

M.M. 60
Open string “Location” long tones
Half position long tones
Bb Major Scale: Variation #3
G Minor Scale: Variation #4
Bb Major & G Minor Arpeggio: whole notes.
String Crossing #1 Slurs
Etude: Simandl Pg 26 #5 - in parts

Thursdays’s Video 1/21

Week 3 Jan 25 - 28

M.M. 55
Open String Long Tones
1st Position Long Tones (how to find first)
G Major Scale: Variation #5
E Minor Scale: Variation #6
GM & Em Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing #2
Etude: Simandl Pg 12 #5 in G Major
Rhythm: Dotted Quartet Eighth

Tuesday’s Video 1/26

Week 4 Feb 1 - 4

M.M. 55
Open String “location” Long Tones
1st Position Long Tones
G Major Scale: #7
E Minor Scale: #8
GM & Em Arpeggio: whole notes
F, Bb, G Major Scale: Spiccato 8s
String Crossing #2 slurs
Simandl Etude Pg 14 #4
Rhythm: dotted quarter eighth quarter 2 eighth

Monday’s Video 2/1

Week 5 Feb 8 - 11

M.M. 50
Open String Long Tones
2nd Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A B C C B A G
C Major Scale: # 11
A Minor Scale: # 12
CM & Am Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing: #3
Etude: Simandl Pg 16 #1 in C Major
Rhythm: Dotten Quarter Eighth Quarter 8Rest Eighth

Tuesday’s Video 2/9

Week 6 Feb 15 - 18

MM 45
Open String LOCATION Long Tones
2nd Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A B C C B A G
C Major Scale: # 13
A Minor Scale: # 14
FM, BbM & GM scales: Spicatto back to back
CM & Am Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing: #3 Slurs
Etude: Simandl Pg 16 #2 in C Major
Rhythm: quarter two eigth 8rest dotted quarter

Monday’s Video 2/15

Week 7 Feb 22 - 25

MM 65
Open String Long Tones - Dynamics
3rd Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A B C# D
D Major Scale #15
A Major Scale #17
E Major Scale #18
D, A & E Major Arpeggio: whole notes
String Crossing #4
Simandl Pg 22 #5
Rhythm: 2 8ths quarter 8th rest 8th quarter

Wednesday’s Video 2/24

Week 8 Mar 1 - 4

MM 60
Open String Loc Long Tones
3rd Pos Long Tones - Dynamics
Shifting: G A B C D & G A Bb C D
B Minor Scale # 19
F# Minor Scale #20
C# Minor Scale #21
B, F# & C# Minor Arpeggio
String Crossing #4 Slurs
F, Bb, G, C Maj Spicatto, no stopping
Rhythm: Dotted Quarter * Tied 8th quarter * quarter

Tuesday’s Video 3/2

Week 9 Mar 8 - 11

MM 75
Open String Long Tones
**Finding 4th Position
4th Position Long Tones
Shifting thru to 4th pos: G A B C D E
E Major Scale: 2 Oct #17
C# Min Scale 1 Oct #24
E Major Arp 2 Oct & C# min Arp
String Crossing #5
Simandl Pg 29 #6
Ab & Db Major Scales Spicatto
Rhythm: 88 8r 88 8r 88

Tuesday’s Video 3/9

Week 10 Mar 15 - 18

MM 70
Open String Position Long Tones
4th Position Long Tones
Shifting: G A Bb C D# E
E Major Scale 2 Oct: #24
C# Minor Scale: #25
E Major Arp 2 Oct & C# min Arp
String Crossing #5 Slurs
Simandl Pg 28 #3
F# & B Major Scales Spicatto
Rhythm: 8r 8 quarter 88 8r 8

Tuesday’s Video 3/16

Week 11 Mar 22 - 25

MM 55
Open String Long Tones
Position LT - 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st
Shifting: G A Bb C D Eb
G & C Major Scales #1
A & D Major Scales #3
E major 2 oct #5
G, C, A, D, E Major Arp
String Crossing #6
Eb, Db, B Majors: Spicatto
Rhythm: 8r 8 quarter 8r quarter 8

Tuesday’s Video 3/23

Week 12 Mar 29 - Apr 1

MM 60
Open String Location Long Tones
Position LT - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Shifting: G A B C# D E
Em & Am Scales #2
F#m & Bm Scales #4
C#m Scale #6
E, Am, F#m, Bm, C#m Arpeggios
String Crossing # 6 slurs
Cm, Bbm, G#m Scales: Spiccato
Rhythm: 8r 8 Qr 8 8 8r 8

Mondays’ Video 3/29

Week 13 Apr 5 - 8

MM 65
Open String Long Tones Pulse
Position Long Tones - hP, II1/2, III1/2
Shifting - G A Bb C D Eb
Ab & Db Major Scales #12
Ab & Db Maj Arpeggios
String Crossing #7
Simandl Pg 25 #3 rehearse parts
Rhythm: Qr 8 8r 88 8r 8

Tuesday’s Video 4/6

Week 14 Apr 19 - 22

MM 55
Open String “Location” long tones Pulse
Position Long Tones - III1/2, II1/2, hP
Shifting G# A B C# D# E - Dynamics
C# Major Scale – 8 note slur
A# Minor Scale – 8 note slur
C#Maj & A# min Arpeggio
String Crossing # 7 Slurs
Simandl Pg 29 #5
Rhythm: 8r Q T8_Q 8r 8

Wednesday’s Video 4/21

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